Access to Work is a government programme that funds software, physical items and support services.

Neurodivergent people who experience difficulties at work are eligible to claim Access to Work.

You could receive up to £66,000 worth of support per year.
Examples of Physical Aids

Sit-stand desks, cross-led chairs and wobble stools, whiteboards, timers, tablets, noise-cancelling headphones/earplugs, monitors, standing mats, keyboards and mice

Examples of Software

Planning Tools, Mindmapping Tools, Speech to Text tools, Mental Health tools, Spellcheck and Grammar tools, Notetaking tools

Examples of Support Services

ADHD/Autism coaching, Virtual Assistants/Support Workers, Training for your Manager/Workplace, Disability Impact Training, Bodydoubling services

Examples of what other Neurodivergent people have received:

Get Support applying for Access to Work

Divergent runs a series of events to provide Neurodivergent people and their employers with information about Access to Work.

This includes bodydoubling sessions that help you get your application in, and show and tell sessions to help you figure out what supports would be useful for you.

The process:

1. You complete an application form outlining how your Neurodivergence impacts you at work, what support is already in place and what support might be useful.

2. Wait 3-4 months. You can use this time to do research

3. Have a brief phone conversation with an advisor, let them know the details of what you want. Send them more information by email.

4. Your request is considered and a decision made - you may have to provide more information or challenge their decision.

5. Your workplace purchases items and is fully or partially reimbursed.

Key Information

  • You will need to disclose your Neurodivergence to your employer to receive Access to Work support.

  • If your workplace has 50 or more employees, your employer may have to contribute towards the cost of your award.

  • The process takes a long time and involves a lot of paperwork. It is not Neurodivergent-friendly.

  • You are expected to identify the support you need, source quotes and articulate why the items will help you. You can ask for a workplace assessment but this adds time to the process and they may recommend items that aren't as relevant as what you could identify yourself.

  • You are eligible if you are employed or self-employed (if you earn more than £6k/year). Support is not means-tested.